We believe that space
is at hand for everyone.

about us
We create nanosatellites to collect Earth-observation data and help understand the changing world.


Placing in space

SatRev is a company that brings new perspectives from space. Open, tolerant, looking beyond the horizon. Founded in 2016, it operates in the space industry. It comprehensively designs, manufactures, and places nanosatellites in orbits around the Earth to collect optical data. SatRev wants to change the way of building spacecrafts by focusing on small, lightweight and reliable spacecrafts. SatRev is cooperating with multiple science institutes in the world - CALTECH (California Institute of Technology), MiT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Polski Ośrodek Rozwoju Technologii (dawniej Wrocławskie Centrum Badań EIT), Wrocławski Park Technologiczny, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Université Grenoble Alpes.
We are on a mission to tackle the world’s problems. Since the beginning of SatRev, we believe that space is the next field of rapid advancement of science, knowledge, and prosperity for humanity.
Grzegorz Zwoliński
CEO and Co-founder

our missions
SatRev was the first company in Poland to place its satellite: ŚWIATOWID, in orbit around the Earth. Apart from that it has successfully launched already 5 nanosatellites working closely with major launcher companies from all over the world.
brief history
board members

Grzegorz Zwoliński
CEO and Co-founder
More about Grzegorz